Our old friend
Skire has just finished his
Solvent Abuse DVD. Over two years of work on and off has resulted in a 2 hours, fast paced hectic edited film with music by MetalBoxProducts, DJ Klose One, Matt Nice, Sober & Critic.
"It aint no hardcore train video, Its a bit of everything filmed between 1998 & 2008 featuring a few London Walls - Legals, Tracksides, Streets Loads of Italian runners (FS, Napoli Roma), some classic Hanover, Amsterdam, Copenhagen & Warsaw trains, walls, damage circa 1999, British Jams like Sleeping Giants, Roxe Jam2008, Cans2, JamEmIn, Meeting Of Styles 2008 and Write4Gold 2006. Barcelona Halls of fame, Newcastle old & new plus a few quick trips to Belgium, Spain & Johannesburg.A fair few London Commuters (2002 - 2008) and a couple of Tube runners." SKIRE
The film also features Crews like ATG, DWS, TNS, NM, DPV & THIRDECADE.

Skire had planned to release the film as a proper DVD but being the generous sort that he is, has decieded to give it away for free as a bit torrent file. The film is available to download from here. The file is 1.5GB so a fast connect is advised. Enjoy.