Ben Eine REBEL REBEL Mural in London

We caught with British street artist Ben Eine a few weeks back at work on a new wall on Sclater Street in East London for the Rebel Alliance space also located on the street.
Ben Eine London Street Art
The street and graffiti artist known for his typographic works spent two days working on this Rebel Rebel mural painted in one of his signature fonts, in this instance his iconic circus font.Hookedblog has been sitting on our photos we took of the street artist at work, holding off sharing them until we had managed to capture a clear shot of the entire wall featuring the new Rebel Rebel mural.
As is often the case on this busy street, a wall this scale nearly always has cars parked where you don't want them, and getting a clear shot of the entire mural is always problematic.
A number of revisits to this spot did not result in a clear car-free shot and unfortunately following our recent return from Belgium we discovered the wall has been reclaimed by graffiti crew The Rolling People who have had this wall as theirs for a number of years now.
So is the nature of street-level murals in London, you blink and they have been painted over, keep things fresh we guess. Check out some of the images we did manage to capture of Eine at work on the Rebel Rebel Shoreditch Mural along Sclater Street in East London.

Adding the finishing touches above, Ben Eine signs the finished Rebel Rebel mural in Shoreditch, London.

British street artist Ben Eine attempting to get a final photograph of his completed new wall.
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