The Book Of Tags is a Dropdrop Agency project, published by kitchen 93 and made possible by the collaboration of over 300 world-wide graffiti writers. The project attempts to analyze and also give voice to one of the most demonized yet pure means of expression within the graffiti world, the Tag.

The Book Of Tags presents the personal signatures of 150 writers coming from 20 different countries throughout the world. This selection includes some of the most influential tags belonging to pioneers in the graffiti world as well as others that represent innovative and experimental calligraphic styles.

Dropdrop believes that The Book Of Tags is a useful tool for a broad range of readers, who are sensitive to the complexity of the subject. It is hoped that this work will serve as a reference tool concerning a phenomenon which stands on the thin border between art and vandalism.

The book is available to buy now online on the website at Book Of Tags.