The new season of show at The Dragon Bars 'This Way Up" Gallery begins this week. The opening show takes place tomorrow 7th March 2006, with London's TMP taking over the space above the bar.
This is the first in a series of four shows presented by Cable Street. The line up runs as follows:

7th March - The Menu Please (TMPs)

22nd March - All Things Are Merely Dreams
(Featuring Elph, Gopherhead, Kathodos & Rue5 )

4th April - Ukiyo (Terratag & Colabs Series Teeshirt Designs)

18th April - Muju: The Journey to Muju Mountain

The shows kick start at 7PM@The Dragon Bar | 5 Leonard Street | London.
Nearest Station Old St Tube South Exit.

Once again the shows will be supported by Tiger Beer.