Ghostvillage Project Video
Right, one last post before Christmas. We got an email about this project awhile back and a short trailer was released as well as some fantastic photos taken by Ian from Wallkandy here. Below is the full clip for The Ghostvillage Project.
Enjoy and we hope all our readers have a very Happy Christmas.
The Ghostvillage Project from Agents Of Change on Vimeo.
The Ghostvillage Project was created over 3 days on the west coast of Scotland. 6 artists - Timid, Remi/Rough, System, Stormie Mills, Juice 126, Derm - were given free reign to paint in an abandoned 1970s village. Working together on huge collaborative walls and individually in hidden nooks and crannies all over the site the artists realised long held dreams and were inspired by the bleakness and remoteness of the site. Drawing on the history of the village the artists' stated intent on completion of the project was to populate the ghostvillage with the art and characters that it deserved.Enjoy and we hope all our readers have a very Happy Christmas.