London Street Art — 16

London Street Art Edition 16
It is always great to see such large-scale street art paste-ups in London again, we are not sure who has created this piece pictured above which appeared on Sclater Street, in East London earlier in the week, if anyone knows the artist please let us know in the comments section below or drop us an email. We think it might be the work of French street art Monsieur Q but this is TBC.We are hopefully gonna try and keep this a weekly feature here on Hookedblog and will continue sharing these short photographic collections of street art that pops over over the week in London.

If you wanna see more street art have a look at some of our previous post:
Hookedblog London Street Art — 15
featuring London street art from the following street artists; Pablo Delgado, Eine, Milo Tchais and Macay, Bortusk Leer, and Rensone.
Hookedblog London Street Art — 14
featuring London street art from London based Mexican street artist Pablo Delgado.
Related Street Art Stories
Pablo Delgado — Miniature Street ArtBortusk Leer's Street Art Monsters in London.
London Street Art Tour of Brick Lane.