Ludo Hits the streets of London

X marks the spot for Paris based street artist LUDO has been in London the last week for his UK solo debut, The Chaos Theory which opened Thursday 10th at Lazarides Rathbone gallery space. The exhibition includes a unique site-specific showcase across Lazarides first floor exhibition space, with large-scale canvases in the artist's idiosyncratic neon green and monochrome colour palette alongside an experiential installation. (Photos to follow).
It looks like Ludo is making the most of his London visit and has also taken to the streets, as we came across this huge pasteups earlier this morning from the artist. We expect we will be seeing some more from the artist so stay tuned.

10 October until the 13th November 2014.
Lazarides Gallery, 11 Rathbone Place, London W1T 1HR (Google Map)