Pyramidoracle hits the streets of London

Hookedblog recently shared a number of images featuring the work of New York street artist Pyramidoracle who is currently based in London (covered here).
Pyramidoracles' London Street Art
His large scale black and white portrait paste-ups hand-painted on what looks like brown wrapping paper were something that we discovered on the streets of London while walking around the neighborhood with our camera, snapping anything that captured our eye. As we mentioned in our previous post it was refreshing to stumble upon Pyramidoracle work in person, having not seen any of it online via Instagram / twitter or other social media channels.
Well it looks like Pyramidoracle has been hitting the streets once again with some fresh works, pictured here are two fresh new pieces we found earlier in the week, one located on the Street Art Tour hotspot of Hanbury Street just off Brick Lane and the other near Limehouse, we are not too sure of the street name. We look forward to discovering more from this artist while he is in London.

Beautiful black and white portrait street art paste-up on Hanbury Street, London.