French street artist Gregos' 3D Street Art Faces in London

Have you spotted any of these around London yet! They’re the work of Parisian street artist Gregos, who we caught up with last year when he paid a visit to London (covered here).
Gregos Street Art in London
The artist was in town for the launch of the French street art publication Vitry Ville Street Art
, who along with a number of other French street artists were featured in the book.
Taking to the streets during his trip, Gregos installed 50 small and large 3D sculptures all modeled on his own face, onto walls around the capital.
With over 500 faces already installed around Paris, it looks like the artist is back in town and plans to leave another 50 3D pieces for Londoners to discover, bringing his total up to 100 for London.
With over 500 faces already installed around Paris, it looks like the artist is back in town and plans to leave another 50 3D pieces for Londoners to discover, bringing his total up to 100 for London.
Below is a selection of his installations we stumbled upon this afternoon as we took a wander around Shoreditch and Brick Lane. Let us know if you spot any of the other 50 around London, feel free to share their location too!

See some of our images from Gregos's first London visit here.

See some of our images from Gregos's first London visit here.