Words on the Street with LA Street Artist WRDSMTH

Returning to London after a short break to Ireland for the Christmas holidays we stumbled across the work and words of LA-based street artist WRDSMTH.
LA Street Artist WRDSMTH in London
The unusually warm winter weather has seen artists continue to work and install work on the street over what is traditionally a quiet period here in the city.
And while it is not unusual to stumble across new street art on the streets of Shoreditch or further afield is was a pleasant surprise to discover the new works from WRDSMTH in London’s West End. A bit of a no-go area for the most part for street art, partially due to the high number of CCTV cameras in the area and Westminster's clean team, so to discover some street art in the area was quite refreshing.
WRDSMTH's signature series of text-based works, wheat-pasted to walls and often accompanied by spray-painted typewriters have been popping up in cities across the globe from Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Melbourne, Paris, and here in London.

WRDSMTH's signature series of text-based works, wheat-pasted to walls and often accompanied by spray-painted typewriters have been popping up in cities across the globe from Los Angeles, New York, San Diego, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Melbourne, Paris, and here in London.

After discovering the work on the side of a red London phone box we were made aware of a whole series of works WRDSMTH had installed around Westminster via the artist's instagram account.
Unfortunately, the cities cleaning team had removed three of the works before we could see them in person, but we were quick enough to capture a selection of the larger works which we have shared below.
A few days later and back in the familiar stomping grounds of East London we again discovered some additional pieces from the artist's typewriter series many of which can still be seen, which we can’t say for the short-lived Westminster phone box pieces.

One of the artist's typewriter stencil paste-up pieces in East London is pictured below in which he has collaborated with UK street artist C3. This is one of three pieces the two artists worked together on.
One we have yet to find and the third was unfortunately removed by Westminster's cleaners before we could capture the work. If any of our readers have discovered additional works feel free to let in know their locations in the comments section.

Street art collaboration in East London from artist WRDSMTH and UK street artist C3.
London Street Art Photo Update
Hookedblog has been on the lookout and has continued to discover additional London street art pieces from WRDSMTH around East London since posting the original post.

London Street Art Photo Update
Hookedblog has been on the lookout and has continued to discover additional London street art pieces from WRDSMTH around East London since posting the original post. One of these new discoveries was the second work in which he has collaborated with UK street artist C3(pictured above). Another two vintage typewriter/ text pieces were also found just off Brick Lane.

I believe in you. So that makes two of us - WRDSMTH