Toaster's Typographic Tottenham Mural

This week we ventured further east on a quick visit to South Tottenham to catch the lastest mural from UK street art collective the Toasters. The collective has been part of the East London landscape for as long as we can remember and have continued to push and pull their iconic toaster shape in new directions.

Typographic Tottenham Mural
For their newest mural, the artists took to the ever-changing walls that surround the Tottenham skate park and due to the nature of the location we were a day too late in catching the full mural. The walls change at such a pace that on our arrival another graffiti artist had already painted a piece next to the Toasters mural taking out some of their pieces.
This typographic piece from the Toasters spells out the world 'OBVIOUS', created using a combination of circles and silhouette toaster shapes.

The entire piece begins to take on a three-dimensional look when combined with some very effective drop shadows, giving the entire mural the appearance of being suspended in front of rather than actually on the wall.

We visited the Tottenham skate park on Tuesday 15th March, due to the high turnover of work at this location we can not confirm if the mural is still intact.
The Toasters on Instagram — @Toasters
Hookedblog on Instagram — @Hookedblog
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Street Art collective The Toasters Go Pop in E17
Exploding Toasters in Brick Lane, London
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