New York Street Artist Pyramid Oracle Returns to London

While we were away traveling in Italy and France, we returned to London to discover New York-based artist Pyramid Oraclehas paid London another visit.
The street artist has visited the city on a number of previous occasions installing works on the streets on each visit as well as having a solo show last year in August with Dalston gallery BSMT space.
Pyramid Oracle Returns to London
As with some of the artist's previous visits, the street works are like a large amount of his work Monochromatic for the most part and of a large scale.With so many artists blanking the street art hot spots of Shoreditch / Brick Lane and Hackney Wick with a sea of smaller works ranging in size up to A4 in dimension, it's a welcome sight to see Pyramid Oracles impressive large scale wheat paste-up which dominate any wall these pieces are pasted onto. To date, we have photographed four new works from the artist which we have shared below.
To see some of the artist's other London work from some of his previous visits check out out our other features listed in the related stories section below.

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New Pyramid Oracle street art in Shoreditch, London.
Pyramid Oracle's magnificent monochromatic works.
Pyramid Oracle's magnificent monochromatic works.
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