Festive Reindeer Mural by London Artist Fanakapan

As the end of the year is fast approaching and while most people wind down for the Christmas and New Year period some artists were still out hitting the streets of London getting into the festive spirit with some Christmas themed works.
Artist Fanakapans' Festive Reindeer Mural
By chance, we caught up with London artist Fanakapan earlier this week repainting the metal gates along with the Regents Canal with a festive-themed mural for the holiday season.
The artist has been painting at this Hackney spot regularly throughout the year, earlier murals have seen him paint a cartoon Snoopy character and a helium balloon version of Woodstock the bird for a work he named 'Woodstock Got High'.
We also got to see some of the other works painted at this location at intervals over the year including a 3D chrome octopus!
London artist Fanakapan at work on his festive reindeer mural in Haggerston, London.

London artist Fanakapan at work on his festive reindeer mural in Haggerston, London.

Artist Fankapan using his phone camera to cross-check the chrome reflection in the balloon shapes is looking as he wants it.
If you want to catch the chrome Christmas Rudolf, you will find the work located on Canal Walk in East London right next to Fanakapan's Neochrome Skull mural.

The completed mural by artist Fanakapan.
Fanakapan Hanbury Street Mural
Wishing all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year from all of us here at Hookedblog, see you all in 2018.
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Fanakapan Hanbury Street Mural
On a Christmas roll, Fanakapan returned to Brick Lane and began work on Hanbury Street on another larger-scale mural with Art of the Hood hooking up the spot for him.
After checking in on the Rudolf mural to catch some finished photographs, we caught up with Fanakapan once again marking up the initial sketches and outlines for the work.
But what with us heading to the airport to catch a flight we will have to wait until after the holidays to catch the completed mural.
Wishing all our readers a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year from all of us here at Hookedblog, see you all in 2018.