Shoreditch Street Art Paste Ups : Edition 2

East Londons Brick Lane and Shoreditch neighborhoods are still our go-to city locations to see and photograph London street art paste-ups. The area's walls are alive with an ever-evolving collection of murals, stencils, stickers, graffiti, and of course street art paste-ups.
Shoreditch Street Art Paste Ups
We have been documenting the ephemeral unsanctioned art in this area for over a decade and continue to revisit these key London street art hotspots in the neighborhood as frequently as is possible, time allowing.
No two visits are ever the same with fresh new paste-up works of varying sizes continuously added to the city walls as new layers of plasters and stickers are added, older pieces fade, or get replaced/ pasted over.
The works on the walls are continuously changing and you are always guaranteed to see something different.
This street art photographic collection of posters / paste-ups or wheatpaste for our American readers presented here is our second selection of works in an ongoing series of posts showcasing Shoreditch street art paste-ups. If you missed the first selection you can have a look at Shoreditch Street Art Paste-ups: Edition 1 here.

London Paste up Street Artists
For our second Shoreditch Paste Up Street Art collection as with the first, our focus is on street artists who tend not to work so much with mass-produced printed/photocopied posters and paste-up art.
This street art photographic collection of posters / paste-ups or wheatpaste for our American readers presented here is our second selection of works in an ongoing series of posts showcasing Shoreditch street art paste-ups. If you missed the first selection you can have a look at Shoreditch Street Art Paste-ups: Edition 1 here.

London Paste up Street Artists
For our second Shoreditch Paste Up Street Art collection as with the first, our focus is on street artists who tend not to work so much with mass-produced printed/photocopied posters and paste-up art. Our camera focus is drawn more to street artists producing one-off paste-ups be they hand painted, screen printed, or using other techniques such as Lino printing or collage to create their Pasteups.
For our second edition, we feature works from street artists Zombiesqueege, C3, RX-Skull, My Dog Sighs, Mowaki, City Kitty, Qwert, Neon Savage, Urban Ninja, and The Postman.
Miniature Shoreditch street art paste-up by British street artist C3, located on an old wooden door on Wilkes Street, London.
American Street Artist RX Skulls
For our second edition, we feature works from street artists Zombiesqueege, C3, RX-Skull, My Dog Sighs, Mowaki, City Kitty, Qwert, Neon Savage, Urban Ninja, and The Postman.

Miniature Shoreditch street art paste-up by British street artist C3, located on an old wooden door on Wilkes Street, London.

American Street Artist RX Skulls
Hand-printed stickers, altered street signage along with hand-printed posters are constant fixtures on the London streets by 'Adhesive Enthusiast' and American street artist Rx Skulls. The lifesized street art skeleton paste-ups pictured above is a recent addition to the ever-evolving wall on Buxton Street, which runs just of Brick Lane, London.
We are unsure if the artist was recently back in London visiting or if he sent the pieces to another London -based artist to install on his behalf, either way, it is always refreshing to see street artists making that extra effort to scale their paste-up poster works up.
"Wash Your Skulls" is one of RX-Skulls linocut printed paste-ups on Brick Lane, London.

Pictured above is a collaborative paste-up featuring the work of artist City Kitty, Neon Savage, and Urban Ninja.
We are unsure if the artist was recently back in London visiting or if he sent the pieces to another London -based artist to install on his behalf, either way, it is always refreshing to see street artists making that extra effort to scale their paste-up poster works up.

"Wash Your Skulls" is one of RX-Skulls linocut printed paste-ups on Brick Lane, London.

Pictured above is a collaborative paste-up featuring the work of artist City Kitty, Neon Savage, and Urban Ninja.
Artist City Kitty's London Street Art
Another American artist, City Kitty is a New York-based street artist who has been hitting the street for over 10 years with his elaborate hand-drawn paste-ups all focusing around his central cat character pictured above.
The artist has traveled to London on a number of occasions leaving a series of works on the city's walls on each visit including the Shoreditch street artworks pictured here. Follow the link below to see some additional work from the artist.
UK Street Art Collective, The Postman Art
The Postman is a Brighton-based collective of street artists formed in 2018 sticking and pasting their vibrant pop visuals featuring celebrity icons from the fields of music, fashion, and art on walls in Brighton, London, and beyond.
Artist Qwert's London Street Art

UK Street Art Collective, The Postman Art
The Postman is a Brighton-based collective of street artists formed in 2018 sticking and pasting their vibrant pop visuals featuring celebrity icons from the fields of music, fashion, and art on walls in Brighton, London, and beyond.
Artist Qwert's London Street Art
A street artist we have yet to meet and one that we know very little about. We do know the artist is based in London and their hand-painted paste-ups featuring this wide-eyed character are visible right across the Shoreditch and Brick Lane walls and we have yet to see two same of the artists' works.
We are loving the paste-up piece below that incorporates the artist's name in the work, both pieces pictured are pasted up on the former Seven Star pub on Brick Lane.

Street artist Mali Mowcka

Street artist Mali Mowcka
Mali Mowcka is a Barcelona-based street artist originally from Argentina, she has been hitting the London streets hard on a number of recent visits to the city with her hand-painted pasted-up posters all featuring the characters pictured above.
The artist was featured in our first collection of Shoreditch Street Art Paste-Ups shared last year.
London artist Zombiesqueege aka Ben Rider
The artist was featured in our first collection of Shoreditch Street Art Paste-Ups shared last year.

London artist Zombiesqueege aka Ben Rider
Known by his street name Zombiesqueegee, London illustrator/screen printer and street artists Ben Riders’ work is a regular fixture on the Shoreditch streets. The artist combines his neon obsession with a love of screen printing and illustrations across his vibrant neon multi-layered hand-printed paste-ups and stickers.
Screen printed posters by artist Ben Rider on Blackall Street, London.
UK street artist My Dog Sighs paste-up on Buxton Street just off Brick Lane, London.

Where to find the best Shoreditch and Brick Lane Street Art?

Screen printed posters by artist Ben Rider on Blackall Street, London.

UK street artist My Dog Sighs paste-up on Buxton Street just off Brick Lane, London.

Where to find the best Shoreditch and Brick Lane Street Art?
Visiting London and want to see some Shoreditch and Brick Lane Street Art and graffiti? Why not take a look at our free Hookedblog Brick Lane Street Art Tour which will guide you with locations and a map to the key London street art hotspots in the neighborhood where you are guaranteed to see some of the freshest street art along with some of the areas famous street art murals.
Shoreditch Street Art Paste-Ups: Edition 1
Shoreditch Street Art Paste-Ups: Edition 1
If you want to see even more posters and paste-ups you might want to check out the first collection of images in the series, Shoreditch Street Art Paste-Ups: Edition 1 here. We have also put together another blog post featuring some of what we consider are key London street art locations for paste-ups, check out the post here: Five London Street Art Hotspots for Paste-ups.
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